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how to feel good with your money

money apps suck! find out how to actually detox and declutter your money

money apps SUCK!

You want to stress less about your money, and you might think that just means sticking to a budget. 

But it’s so easy to be a little too optimistic about what a reasonable budget is, that it so often leaves us feeling bad about not sticking to it. 

And money apps? They always forget to consider that life happens, and adulting is actually really hard, thank you very much.

Us? Well we’re building the app where money meets mental health.

and we're on a mission for fairer finance for young adults

Did you know that 81% of young adults feel anxious about their money? When 36% of 18-24 year olds and 35% of 25-34 year olds are being denied credit (not to mention those who are given credit with incredibly tricky rates), it adds up that the current credit system just isn’t working for young adults who are only just starting out in life.

Like, of course our credit scores don’t show much? Duh.

So what can we do right now to stress less and start actually being the boss of our money?

1. get your readiness score™

what is a readiness score™?

Unlock deeper insights and understand your unique relationship with money, with your own personalised Readiness Score™. You’ll get a snapshot of your current financial health and wellbeing with actionable insights and next steps on how to actually build your Readiness.

2. develop your finIQ™

You can then cultivate your Readiness Score™ with our FinIQ™ pathways, created by psychologists and proven to reduce money anxiety. So you can know the stuff about money you actually want to know.

You can select bite-sized modules based on your interests and personal situation, so you can make that money thing feel a little less daunting. That’s all things money, in one easy place. 

Everything fits seamlessly into your everyday life, so you can make a habit out of it or put it all into practice right now. Whether that’s spending time on the bus to declutter your thoughts, or dissipating that headache around credit with a 5 minute lowdown.

Not sure where to start? Your Readiness Score™ will tell you exactly what to focus on right now, so you can stress less and live more.

3. put it all into practice

why track mood and spending?

Did you know that our mood can heavily influence how we spend (or not spend) our money? 

Anytime you’re feeling low you might be a bit more prone to impulse spending. On the flip side, you might be strictly forbidding yourself a little pick-me-up that could break through your blues. 

By tracking your mood and your spending together, you can unlock deeper insights into how your brain works and reacts to your personal finances.

Combine that with our FinIQ™ and Readiness Score™, you’re equipping yourself with the practical tools to better understand your relationship with money, so you can take the right steps into feeling good with money, your way.

it's your score, own it

Check back in with your financial wellbeing by seeing how your Readiness Score™ has changed over time. That’s more insights and new recommendations personalised to you each month, so you can track how your relationship with money grows.

the future of fairer finance

Our goal? We want to make our Readiness Score™ a kinder, additional way for young adults to access fairer finance and credit. That means you getting the right product, at the right time, at the right price. So you can say no to tricky rates and insane interest!

But for now, that’s just us dreaming big. 

Right now, your Readiness Score is your comprehensive key into finding out how you really feel about your money. It’s packed full of unique insights and actionable next steps for you to cultivate and improve your score, so you can feel more confident in your decisions, stress less, and live more.

We won’t share or sell your data to anyone. It’s your score, your money, you own it.

We may be in beta, but we’ll still bring the good vibes your way. By being amongst the first to get a personalised Readiness Score, you can contribute to our mission and help us improve our app features to better suit your needs.

our impact

Our beta users are seeing a significant reduction in anxiety around money, as well as a significant boost in financial confidence and wellbeing after using our app for just 2 weeks. 

Jump in on the action, get your Readiness Score™, and start feeling good with money, your way ✌️

fancy a money detox?

good vibes are waiting in the Good With beta app

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