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why track my mood and spend?

getting the most out of using the Good With app by keeping tabs on the important stuff

Did you know that our mood can heavily influence how we spend (or not spend) our money?

Anytime you’re feeling low you might be a bit more prone to impulse spending. On the flip side, you might be strictly forbidding yourself a little pick-me-up that could break through your blues. 

This is why money apps SUCK. They always forget to consider that life happens, and being an adult isn’t exactly easy. On top of this, it’s easy to be a little too optimistic with a budget and struggle to stick to it. And then we start feeling guilty for spending. It’s an endless cycle, really.

💰 budgeting is rigged, here’s why

Instead, by focusing mindfully on how you spend, how your mood is impacted by your spending (positively and maybe not so positively), and being aware of your financial habits, you can work towards making your money go further towards the life you want to live. Being more mindful doesn’t mean limiting yourself, it just means noticing what you’ve spent.

Good With app interface of the mood vs spend tool

By tracking your mood and your spending together, you can unlock deeper insights into how your brain works and reacts to your personal finances.

Combine that with our FinIQ and Readiness Score, you’re equipping yourself with the practical tools to better understand your relationship with money, so you can take the right steps into feeling good with money, your way.

fancy a money detox?

good vibes are waiting in the Good With beta app

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